Thursday, January 22, 2009

Why Do I Have Dandruff

hire referrals! Back

One feature that I like the new PTCs, a part of the new instant payment system is the option of renting referrals. The PTCs are already much time online, as is the case, you can buy referrals for an infinite number of time, ie You buy them and since then yours will always be referred to unless cancel your account.

For those who do not understand much about it, both when renting, as when buying referrals, assign you do is yours as referring people who have registered on the method by directly accessing its website without be referred by anyone.

The advantage of buying those relating to BUX.TO style is that you'll have them forever. The disadvantage is that once you buy, you can be lucky or not. You can buy a referral to click the ads every day, so make money with it, or buy one that does not press anything, and do not supply any gain. They offer you the option to change the press never reported that their ads, but that's only if you have bought 500 referrals, ie, in the case of making a big investment. In addition, you must spend money to buy those referrals, the greater (but always end up recovering the investment).

In the system of renting referrals, I see more advantages than disadvantages. During the last month I've been testing the method NEOBUX , which I have spoken on many occasions and am very happy.

To test, I rented 3 referrals for a month. The price for the rental were $ 0.90 for the month. After having passed this month, I must say that I won with those 3 referrals around $ 1.50. Therefore, without having done anything, I have recovered the investment and won more than half over. I rented this thinking that only 3 referrals, but what if I rent a lot more?.

You can think that in that case we could spend as BUX.TO, that we would risk some of those do not click on the ads. But to solve this problem NEOBUX provides some very interesting options. Among these would be:

* Recycling a referral: If a referral is not clicking ads, you can change at any time. You must pay an amount minimum to make that change (0.08 $ per referral to change). You can see how you would on the following image:

(To exit this menu you must click on the green arrows that come to the right of the line of that).

* Renew referrals: If you are unhappy with a referral because it is pressing a number of ads that you consider good, you can renew it every month. That is, if you're nearing the end of time you have paid to rent this referral, you pay for yours is still referred to another month. The good thing is that you should not renew all you have rented, for example if you are renting 3, no need to renew all but only ones that interest you. This will also have a price and is, for example if you are renting 3 for 0.9 $, renovate one a month will cost $ 0.3. You can see how the renovation would take place:

(you bring the box to the right of the line of that, and you will see a menu with options to apply either recycled or renewable).

The biggest advantage I see in all this is that you will not pay those relating to credit card or by bank transfer, as can happen in other PTCs, but you can use the accumulated credit in your account NEOBUX , therefore do not have to get anything out of your pocket.

As you can see, It pays the rent of referrals!

If you have had bad experiences with rental referral or a good experience, I accept all comments.


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