Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spyder Sasquatch Ski Jacket

Many years ago I have very clear that deceive us as real idiots we are, and one of the greatest deceptions is referred to the energy problems arising from the use of fossil fuels, with added pollution. Have you noticed that oil may rise or fall in price, but gasoline and diesel will never go down? Who will sell us -or, at least, try- fuels of the future?: Same as now fill our tanks for the price of gold.
I will not elaborate any further. Of course, I leave three videos very interesting. If disponéis 15 minutes, do not fail to see them, it is worth.
Blessed be the Internet, because the truth makes it increasingly difficult to hide.
Any day we close it, you'll see ...

Compression Problem On 1998 Gp760

5 million dollars in one day

The actor Leonardo Di Caprio will 5 million dollars to shoot an ad for a telephone company of China. The shoot will involve a day's work.
Does anyone have doubts about why the world is as it is ...?
No comment, only some illustrative images.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Adderall Natural Alternatives Zinc

Fukushima, mon amour, or time erases everything. Spring's

We not only have a faint memory, but that continually bombard us with a wealth of information that only serves to distract. Perhaps, indeed, that is their goal.
The consequences of the incident at the Fukushima nuclear power are unpredictable, and more for us, we lack reliable data. We suspect that the thing has been-and will-fat, but eager hope any comments that will reassure us once and for all.
But soon-to-time all will be forgotten.
Who remembers the failure of central Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania? Who remembers, even, the month that saw the crisis of Chernobyl? Who is able to retain in its memory the incidents have occurred in English nuclear power plants ...?
From our lapses benefits the "lobby" nuclear, which just wait over time to continue making mischief. Weather always plays in your favor, because our memory is weak, but not his greed.
iodine-131 particles, from Fukushima, have reached the east coast of China, four of six reactors this radioactive material have been dumped central air and sea, the evacuees can not return "soon" to their homes, the level of radioactive iodine in the sea near the plant, is 3,335 times the legal safety limit, there is plutonium on the floor of the facility, and a radioactive cloud reached California on Friday, day 18, and then spread to Utah, Nevada and Arizona, but the media and not publish the news first, or second, or thirdly, there is now more important issues to deal ...
And in a few weeks no one will remember Fukushima.
That's what they're waiting. As always. Talking
fabrics cover the reactors, to completely dismantle the facilities ...
One thing is certain: the damage is done, and if Fukushima had been a power plant, none of that would have happened.
Although dismantled piece by piece Fukushima nuclear power plant, which can take years, the area is already cursed, and nuclear debris, which are made are made, will remain active over 20,000 years.
I will not write more on this subject (unless absolutely necessary), but I'm not going to forget.
not forget you.
Nuclear power is not cheap, neither clean nor safe.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tip Of Big Toe Hurts When Pressed

alters blood

There is no doubt that spring alters blood. If you do not agree, look at this issue of mallard , also called Mallard, photographed by my daughter in the Salburúa Park, near Vitoria, last weekend. I know that photography is almost pornographic, and that violates the privacy of the affected, but the fault is yours to show their attributes in public, knowing that there were children nearby, and especially photographers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Ti Write In Hens Card

Mañana de lluvia, de mate, de Ismael Serrano y de estudio. Me remite a otros tiempos estudiantiles de mañanas siempre iguales, de fines de semana siempre con un apunte en las manos, de resúmenes de colores y recorridos por la casa para memorizar textos eternos.
Siempre I say, enjoy it after you miss it and here I find myself missing those notes to other students the past.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Easton Stealth Vs Miken

Fukushima 10,000 kilometers still holding on hair

Explosion at nuclear plant in Fukushima

I let the days go by, voluntarily and knowingly ...
I've been holding for not releasing a string of rants against all those who have sold nuclear energy as "the most economical, clean and safe", arguing further that "the only that can satisfy our energy needs for the future "when Greenpeace has submitted project would cover 56 times the energy requirement electricity in Spain in 2050, using only renewable energy.
My first intention was to write an article putting a hat to the mother that bore them, but makes no sense. I have read many comments since the crisis began Fukushima, and I note with some disappointment that there are still people I do not know if in good faith, or special-interest driven by defending the need for nuclear power plants. Moreover, some came to say not to use the catastrophe of Fukushima to rant against nuclear power, because it is simply an accident without much significance, that does not negate the need nuclear plants for a secure energy future.
Manda cojones ...!
you not being able to see that if Fukushima had been a wind, solar or even heat, the problem would not exist, despite the earthquakes and tsunamis ...?
nuclear problems are always the same. While working regularly, I have one installed at 40 km. my house all goes well, except for the management of waste, which are transported and buried matute rather unknown places, and remain active for 20,000 years. 20,000 years, Mr. ...!!! A poisoned gift that will surprise the following two hundred generations of human beings, without eating or drinking. But when they fail -and has not this been the first, nor will be the last, "when" out of control ", no son of mother who will check again, at least immediately. They are not like a car engine, which is to rotate the ignition key. So now, in Japan, people directly affected by radiation-workers and fire-PBX, increased radiation levels up in Tokyo, and radioactive contamination of water and food, without the problems that arise with fishing at sea and rivers. And these problems are not confined to Japan, but will be expanded and will affect much of the world.
I'm not going to lavish excess. A wise ...
me conclude by pointing out that nuclear energy, but it assures the bishop of Calahorra himself is not clean, nor cheap, nor safe, and although I believe it safe in the warm comfort of your home, all run the same risk that the people of Fukushima. It takes 20,000 years for the radioactive waste ceases to be dangerous ...! Do not forget, dear.
I composed this poem to commemorate the anniversary. Hope you like it.


Today failed central Fukushima ;
Chernobyl erupted yesterday in the death
suffer the same fate tomorrow
citizens of London or Lima.
My heart hurts, it gives me the creeps
wondering how the rich get strong
after money cruel, cold and lifeless,
without lose a damn self-esteem.
We sold well nuclear
experts and technicians to use
without doubt, no problems, no regrets,
but now the world yells, "I accuse you
to poison the lands and seas,
and you have to pay for such abuse ...!

Shortly after finishing that job, I have stumbled upon a newspaper article describing the views of the good people who live near nuclear plant Garoña, which is about 70 km. Burgos and 30 km. of Vitoria, in a straight line. The title could not be more suggestive: "Fukushima Garoña passes" .
is because there is the problem, precisely, in that once installed, everyone goes to them, until it happens what happens.
live in a world of "experts" in all fields. They guide us, advise us, reassure us and tell us not to worry when the worst happens. Nuclear plants are to society what the patient endoscopy: the you enter through any hole, and that's it. With one exception, namely that the doctor removes the endoscopic equipment after completion of the examination, but the nuclear power plants put you in the ass with plenty of vaseline propaganda, and stay there, no problem, apparently, until the cases of Cancer is multiplied by a thousand, or until they explode.
I do not know if God exists, but we are blessed in their hands ...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Much Ground Covering Do I Need For My Playset

Moving the blog!

Well I'll show another way of earning money but it through poker.
To see it click HERE

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sleep Eze Extra Strength Reviews

Ferrari FF
Before going to sleep read this interesting news: "Sold all production Aventador 2011 of Lamborghini"
I read, and I notice that also Ferrari are sold every FF.
are buggies that go by the 700 hp and costs about 260,000 euros.
I have not been able to buy one. And you ...?
"The usual" follow Descojonado of us, the servants, the fucking face.
I apologize to readers for the language, but I come to mind the 4 million English people who are unemployed (some of whom will be lucky to collect 400 euros per month for half a year), and the hundreds of millions of good people who go hungry in the world, and I go up the blood to the head.
Where is the crisis? Where
has always been: in the tiny lives of all young people on the planet, which, like worker ants disciplined, work and die for that "they" continue to enjoy their lustful powers.

Lamborghini Aventador

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Best Mat For Anti-vibration

Aston Martin car goes electric

2011 Aston-Martin Vantage

In economic crisis, with fuel prices soaring and air pollution choking the big cities where everyone-in theory-seeking rational and economic alternatives road transport, the directors of Aston-Martin has been off the hook in Geneva with it that they spend electricity in cars . Specifically, the boss of the firm, Ulrich Bez, said: "I can not imagine the electric motor as an innovation. Professor Porsche and built this car in 1914. Could walk 80 km to 80 km / h "
The matter can not be disputed, of course.
not be disputed because those who are willing to purchase this type of stroller (about 200,000 euros, between one thing and another), expenditure, pollution, speed limits and the common good care an egg. They have enough money to pay fines when necessary and to the friends to avoid them, if necessary, and clean air or water do not care, because they have mansions with private nature, purifying last-generation and air conditioning to the soup.
They are, for the most part, responsible for all these problems.
And I do not say I'm biased, please.
head out to the world and look closely.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do People Congradulate A Pregnant Person


Here you have another one of my interesting stories, I hope fill you with satisfaction and joy (in its natural drama) It's something that, as is the world, it can happen to anyone, so be very careful, youngsters ...


- Did you see me, Mr. Commissioner?
mature and portly man, and abundant white hair combed back, busy signing document after document with a magnificent fountain of gold across the large desk, raised his eyes smart and insightful, which seemed to shine upon the black horn-rimmed glasses and outdated, to the newcomer.
-Pass, pass, Valdivielso-invited with a wave of his right hand, hold the pen. Sit down, please.
The chief inspector, tall, slim, dark, bearded and smiling, dressed in jeans, black leather jacket, plaid shirt and white and lumbermen half-boots, due to its superior occupying a chair across from him.
-Sorry for the delay, boss, "he said, apologetically," but I've been around all morning with the subject of the rapist.
"Yes, I know. Do not worry. Just like to know if anyone in your group who can take the lead in that case.
Valdivielso's face expressed some surprise.
"Sure, boss. González, without going any further, is very well trained and knows all the details. But the case is mine and I would fix it personally.
-service requirements are higher than our preferences, Valdivielso, and we need to investigate further.
"You demand. I'm all ears.
"Well. Listen carefully. You know that if there is something I find particularly annoying is having to repeat explanations.
-Forward. I'm listening.
-General Hospital director, good friend of mine sent me a file that contains, among other things, medical records a couple dozen terminally ill patients who died in the hospital during the last six months.
-Being terminally ill is logical that passed away ...
"Obviously, not that they did months before the deadline set by the science and heart failure, when his constant offered a table apparently stabilized.
Valdivielso shifted in his chair, uneasy and concerned. As a good hunter had scented the prey.
- A psychopath loose in the halls of the hospital?
"I think it's not that simple," replied the commissary. I tend to think of a meticulously organized network and intelligence to perform euthanasia on a massive scale.
- Hostias ...! Excuse me, boss. How have they found?
"You could say that by chance, but I am convinced that there is no chance. My friend checked the documentation before giving their approval to be filed, when he perceived some remarkable coincidences. Naturally, he studied the issue thoroughly, point by examining the records point, until its vague suspicions materialized in absolute certainty: Someone has been charged to eighteen people in a few months ...
- How?
"Impossible to know. The alleged victims are buried, most long time, and we can not ask the court for an order of general exhumation based on conjecture. And here's where you come into play.
- When do I start, Boss?
"Wait. Do not be impatient. All cases have their origin on the fifth floor, affect terminally ill patients and, interestingly, the deaths occurred between two and five in the morning.
- The nursing team, boss! It is crystal clear! Some brat illuminated by the spirit of eternal salvation, he wants to avoid suffering to the dying poor.
"That thought at first, but we have definitely ruled out after careful investigation of all staff. We lean more to the night attendant of the sick.
- Damn ...! Sorry, boss. I had not occurred.
rumors about the existence of a sect calling itself "Peace to men of goodwill", which advocates the right to die with dignity and, of course, euthanasia. Some of its members had successfully broken into the hospital caregivers in cases where family members can not ensure their patients. As you know, these services are contracted orally and there is no check list within the hospital, since attendance is outside the establishment.
"And what do you do, boss?
immediately occupy a bed in the plant, such as lung cancer patient. Your file is ready now with all the anatomical and physiological details and clinical. It is a complete and real history. For all the world, you will be a terminal patient. An ambulance will pick you up at home this afternoon, at five, and enter Room 506. Be alone, because of their extreme gravity, to encourage action where necessary. Tell the nurses that no family and needs someone to assist him in the evenings. They will be responsible for expanding the whiff of the bait. Otherwise behave like a normal patient, but do not forget your gun and your transmitter. Two men remain on permanent watch on the visitors' room, waiting for your call. Must sleep during the day, when you can and watch without rest at night, because the person sitting at the foot of his bed could put you in trouble ... insurmountable, I think.
- And so insurmountable! Since then, boss, what a ballot ... Apart from being bored as an oyster, I can send to another neighborhood without me knowing.
"My friend, you chose to be police. If desired, I will provide transportation to offices but, yes, after you resolve this case. Valdivielso
realized it was all said and cursing softly, left the office. Tidied up the papers on his desk, he instructed Gonzalez and went home.
At five and a half, stuffed into a kind of white cloth, with the hospital logo on the chest, lying on his bed in the room 506. Had placed the gun and transmitter in a drawer in the table, because he could not hide under the pillow. There is no reason why a dying use such instruments.
nurses had confirmed that a lady would come to accompany evening, as it were. The woman appeared punctually at ten o'clock. She said it was Eladia and charged seven thousand pesetas a night, he fluffed the pillow, he drew a glass of water, asked if I needed anything else and slept like a blessed, building a comfortable recliner.
Valdivielso spent hours eating the livers in this absurd situation and being careful not to swallow dozens of pills that nurses gave him. However, all was in the strictest normal.
One day, the ninth since joining, Eladia told to attend to another patient, and that since that night I would look another woman, an excellent companion and very good person. Valdivielso welcomed the change, questioning the case was nearing the end, but hoping that, at least, the new was an entertaining conversationalist rather than a sleepy mole as its predecessor.
The replacement was named Manuela and looked like professional wrestling, but seemed to be a friendly and sympathetic women, despite their ferocious appearance.
The chief inspector would have continued his representation Benedictine patience and without further precautions, had it not been because he perceived the strange looks he threw the woman, supposing distracted by reading a book. Be warned immediately. His muscles were tense and your brain awake, like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.
-Hala, M. Valdivielso: to take your pill so that you can sleep all night through, "said the nurse who had just entered the room toward him pills in hand.
opened his mouth obediently, simulating swallowing the drug, but, as always, held under the tongue and, when the nurse turned around, spit in silence on the opposite corner with the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing away later.
- Nurse, wait! Cried Mrs. Manuela from his chair, taking a boat to stand up grotesque. He spit the pill!
- What do you say? "The girl said, retracing his steps. It's true! That's too bad, Mr. Valdivielso, but too bad ... Come on, be kind and swallow, which is for their sake.
- No, no and no! "Yelled the chief inspector, closing the mouth with all his strength and tried to jump out of bed.
But it was useless.
Mrs. Manuela pinned him with a barrage worthy of a champion and nurse with a master stroke, he introduced the pellet, round and pink, even beyond the garganchón.
-See how nothing has happened, dammit! "The nurse said, heading for the hall. If only a sleeping pill so I can sleep soundly ...
Valdivielso The chief inspector felt his body limp and his brain refused to obey. A deep drowsiness took possession of it and little by little, was sinking into the world of silence. Before going to sleep altogether, thought Mrs. Manuela see how he approached the bed with a syringe, and seemed to feel the sting of the needle in the arm as he listened to the woman's last words:
- Do you see how well, my little boy? Your pain is ended in this valley of tears. An injection of air into the veins and within five minutes you're with the angels.
At three in the morning, Mr. Commissioner was awakened by the incessant ringing of your telephone. Him down, trying not to disturb his wife, accustomed to such interruptions, I slept soundly.
"Tell me," she whispered.
the other side of the thread, someone asked:
- Is it you, Mr. Commissioner?
"Yes, hell, I am. Who is it? What happens?
-I Rodriguez, Commissioner, one of those who are on duty at the hospital.
- Vale, Rodriguez! What the hell is it?
"Well, the inspector Valdivielso just died of a heart attack, boss.