We not only have a faint memory, but that continually bombard us with a wealth of information that only serves to distract. Perhaps, indeed, that is their goal.
The consequences of the incident at the Fukushima nuclear power are unpredictable, and more for us, we lack reliable data. We suspect that the thing has been-and will-fat, but eager hope any comments that will reassure us once and for all.
But soon-to-time all will be forgotten.
Who remembers the failure of central Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania? Who remembers, even, the month that saw the crisis of Chernobyl? Who is able to retain in its memory the incidents have occurred in English nuclear power plants ...?
From our lapses benefits the "lobby" nuclear, which just wait over time to continue making mischief. Weather always plays in your favor, because our memory is weak, but not his greed.
iodine-131 particles, from Fukushima, have reached the east coast of China, four of six reactors this radioactive material have been dumped central air and sea, the evacuees can not return "soon" to their homes, the level of radioactive iodine in the sea near the plant, is 3,335 times the legal safety limit, there is plutonium on the floor of the facility, and a radioactive cloud reached California on Friday, day 18, and then spread to Utah, Nevada and Arizona, but the media and not publish the news first, or second, or thirdly, there is now more important issues to deal ...
And in a few weeks no one will remember Fukushima.
That's what they're waiting. As always. Talking
fabrics cover the reactors, to completely dismantle the facilities ...
One thing is certain: the damage is done, and if Fukushima had been a power plant, none of that would have happened.
Although dismantled piece by piece Fukushima nuclear power plant, which can take years, the area is already cursed, and nuclear debris, which are made are made, will remain active over 20,000 years.
I will not write more on this subject (unless absolutely necessary), but I'm not going to forget.
not forget you.
Nuclear power is not cheap, neither clean nor safe.
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