Monday, April 4, 2011

How Long Should I Charge A 12v Battery

11,500 tons of radioactive water are dumped into the ocean

recently said that it would not raise the issue of Fukushima unless necessary, and today I have no choice but to go back for my charters.
Until now, the Japanese fishing fleet, one of the largest in the world, is dedicated to whale hunt down and liquidate all the oceans, with the approval of its authorities, turn a blind eye to the other governments, and always "scientific reasons", the principal of which was to fill the plates of the many customers who demand this type of meat. Starting today, the Japanese fishing fleet and other fleets in the world will have to catch sardines.
Y TEPCO is that the company, operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, will pour into the Pacific Ocean 11,500 tons (approx. 575 tankers) of radioactive water, of a radioactive water "only" 100 times more than legal safety limits. You can then use those tanks to store more radioactive waste water yet.
We're talking about 11.5 million liters, which will contaminate the entire flora and fauna to geographical boundaries impossible to determine a priori, not forget that fish is the second food product in Japan.
Let's remember that all this would have happened if Fukushima had been, for example, a photovoltaic plant.
But what right is TEPCO polluting our planet, that is all, gentlemen, "not be left to God or the devil?, Who has been authorized to dumping at sea of \u200b\u200bthese 11,500 tons of poison?;" what will happen to the most contaminated water will fill the tanks that are empty?
Nuclear power is clean, cheap and safe.
TEPCO and managers deserve to be tried for crimes against humanity.

NOTE .- I just read an article which shows that the nuclear power Garoña (Burgos) is cheating. Well, the control panel, its principles and the relevant authorities relating to the matter, that is all. Its cooling circuits pour hot water into the Ebro, which makes the river passes from 5.3 º to 21 º to receive this flow. In theory, Garona is authorized to temperature variation does not exceed 3 º. The corresponding eutrophication is already causing problems in the river species.
Nuclear power is not cheap, neither clean nor safe.


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