Monday, July 5, 2010

How To Wash Tent Trailer

As a book

My life as a book, is full of chapters that are closed, other than start and some open ends.
My life as a book, has several major operators, has characters that repeat and are present throughout the story and each has both new personalities to help me to follow an important clue that make me think or expand my horizons.
My life as a book, has a few autographs for each of those offered.
My life as a book, is full of unexpected twists, unexpected situations, routines that are summarized in two paragraphs and discoveries that sometimes reach the end of the story and others are beginning a new adventure.
My life as a book, sometimes is made of poetry, sometimes philosophical essays and other love stories, suspense, drama and comedy.
My life as a book, is to be shared, to be read aloud group, with friends but many times invited to silent reading and reflection.
My life as a book, has drawn a thousand words, but fortunately still has lots of blank pages waiting to be written and lived.

(I left a new chapter of The Adventures of Julia, you can also help you: clicking HERE )


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