This arrived in my mail, one of those forwards I do not know where it took off.
I did not sign anyone, so I do not know who wrote it, but it seems appropriate to share because it reflects very accurately the odyssey that represents us women to go to a public restroom.
For all people who wonder what's happening in the women's bathrooms.
My mother was an advocate of care in public restrooms. A little girl took me to the bathroom, taught me to clean the toilet table toilet paper and then carefully placed strips of paper around the perimeter of the cup. Finally, I instructed: "Never, never sit in a public restroom." And then I showed "The position that is swinging on the toilet in a sitting position without your body contact with the cup. That was long ago. But even today in our more mature years, "the" is painfully difficult to maintain when your bladder is that burst. When "you have to go" to a public bathroom, you find yourself with a queue of women that makes you think that Brad Pitt's pants are on sale now for half price. So we patiently wait and smile politely to the other women who also are quietly crossing the prawns. Finally you get to your turn. Verifies each cubicle below to see if there legs. Everyone is busy. Finally one opens and I nearly threw the person pulling you out. You enter and you realize that the handle does not work, no matter ...
hang your bag hook on the door, and there are no hook, I hung from the neck as you look as balances under you, without you neck brake belt you round the neck, because the bag is full of shit you were pulling it in - most of which do not use, but that you have just in case. But back to the door ... having no handle, only you have the option to hold with one hand, while with another flip you get off her panties and are assuming "the position" ... AAhhhhhh relief ..... ...... More relief ... That's when your thighs start to tremble .... I love to sit, but did not have time to clean the bowl or cover with paper, so you stay in "position" as your legs shake so hard that would register 8 on the Richter scale, excluding the dotted finite jet sticks to the dishes and it soaks up the middle that will surely be noticed! To remove your mind from that misfortune, find the toilet paper roll, peroooo, heh, heh ...! the roll is empty ...!. Your legs shake even more. You remember the bit of paper which I cleaned out the nose just now. That will have to suffice. The wrinkles of the most fluffy as possible. But is smaller than the nail of your finger and over. And still wet mucus .. In it, someone pushes the door of your bathroom and as the bolt does not work viandazo receive tremendous head. I shouted hot "OCUPADOOOO !!!", while continuing to push the door with your free hand and the bit of Kleenex in hand you had it falls exactly in a puddle on the floor there and are not sure if water piiis .... heh!, and you will go back and you fall sitting on the toilet in the bathroom. You get up quickly, but it's too late, your ass has already entered contact with all the germs and life forms in the seat because YOU never covered them with toilet paper, anyway there was not, even if it had had time. Excluding the bump on the head, desnuque belt bag, sprinkled with the jet in the legs and stockings, I told you, it is still wet ... the memory of your mom would avergonzadĂsima of you if I knew, because his ass never touched a public toilet seat because, frankly, "you do not know what kind of diseases you might catch you there." But the debacle does not stop there ... now the automatic sensor toilet is so confused that water released if a source and sends all the manifold with such force that you you have to grab the tube that holds the toilet paper (if any) for fear that you will suck and are going to appear in China. This is when you finally you surrender. You're soaked by the water that came out of the bathroom at source. You're exhausted. You try to wipe a few Chiclets Adams cellophane, then go out inconspicuously to the sinks. You do not know how to work with the automatic sensors so you clean your hands with saliva, the dry you with a paper towel and go out, going along the line of women who are still waiting with his legs crossed and now you're unable to smile politely. A kind soul at the end of the line tells you that you are dragging toilet paper stuck to your shoe along the Mississippi River ...! Shoe pulls the paper, and place him rudely in the hand of the woman who told you that you brought it stuck, and say softly, "you can take ... ...!!!" need it and you go out. At this time you see your husband who has entered, used and left the men's room and had plenty of time to read War and Peace while waiting for you. "What took you so long?" I asked bewildered. This is when you give him a kick in the balls and sends him the same shit. This is dedicated to women everywhere who have had to use a public restroom. And finally explains to you men, why we took so long.
(For those who wondered what happened to Julia and her neighbor, and a new chapter is published , clicking HERE )
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