Friday, April 29, 2011

What To Do When A Dog Dies At Birth



Already the sun peeks through the Lift King
excited kissing the blue sky,
birds while leaving your message
of joy and love in sweet singing.

It's a beautiful day, however,
look discouraged any
sad repentance of sin which,
ruin their work, hard and constant.

But glad your face, mate,
because it starts on Friday morning
and enjoyable leisure prelude

both rural and urban area:
at every turn, the agile minute
approaching the end of the week.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tucson Glory Holes Arcade

urine engine

As to bed you will not go without knowing a thing before going to bed I leave this information I just see by chance-and pajolera had no idea who makes blankets to the famous "water engines" as mentioned in this blog. Dr. Gerardine Botte, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Ohio University (USA) has developed, or is it-a system to use the pee as fuel . The rationale is the same as the engine water, ie performing the electrolysis of urea (95% less energy and greater production of H) and hydrogen is used as fuel. The advantages are obvious, right? ... We will be our own gas station! Who said that nuclear plants were the only solution for energy supply?
Now, one thing is clear: we seized the urine, will go on sale at 2 euros a liter, and marketed the same as today we sell the fuel and electricity.
While ...!

Professor Gerardine Botte

Dawn Pokemon Tied Up Game Online

Eagle and cactus "

Here I offer one of our songs composed by my buddy Kepa Agirre (music and voice) and a server (Letter) If you like, pearls, otherwise you change you blog and you're done.

Scratches And Rash On Arm

My cat

That tabby cat
lying there in the hallway,
all along it is, the damned,
tail to snout stretched
searching the fresquillo tiles.
More than cat is a fox,
as intelligent behavior
to open the pots with the nose
and devouring prawns without hassle
methinks, really, surprising.
Once, the very feline
apperceived a fault at the gate
of the old fridge, sudden
opened it with his paw and with great tact,
devoured the food with relish.
The deep closets
unknown used as den,
covering behind the piles
of jerseys, shirts and hats
as the tiger hiding in the palm.
When looking caresses
in praise melts and meows,
but if you harass with greed
of their games, their tricks and treats ...
beware! And stay warned.
curious is usual
of animal nervous before us
us good night with funny
explosion of friendship and joyful
past and past his rump.
have filled the dish:
that's your vice!
Le dazzles the ham cheap
and swallowed half a kilo shamelessly
results in a zero sacrifice.
mendicant also
when they reach the meat or fish
to the table. Then, imploring,
diners pleading meows
to receive the coveted piece,
such form and manner
than looking at the wave of his hand
and seeing their eyes plaintive
I wonder, closing the pie:
Is not this a cat Cistercian?
Server (you)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wet Dreams How To Have

The wheel of life

Turn the wheel of the slow life
for soft newborn baby,
but we see his hair graying
the fastest judges a storm.
suddenly dives and haunts you
in the black abyss of oblivion,
and on the next lap, reborn,
presents you with pleasure and joy.
Attentive ved the turn of the wheel,
as tenacious repeats its journey
waters missed our memory:
future the past is deserved
of complete failure or victory,
stalking our way submerged.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kiss Tatto On Stomach

End System High Frequency Active Auroral

Do not miss these interesting statements of the writer and economist Jose Luis Sampedro , and meditate on them, that we miss.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Arabic For Congratulations

Research Program (HAARP)

guess many of you have news about HAARP . If not, you can will document automatically. Today I received this video, which, at least, no longer curious. Given that we have out there stuff like ECHELON , CHEMTRAILS and other trifles, to see if the final could it be true that we have four bastards caught by the balls, more than we thought ...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Free Speech For Dads Birthday From Daughter

Consequences of Anti-Tobacco Law

I do not know if the famous English Anti-Tobacco Law has achieved the objectives set, in fact, do not even know if it was priority within the national problem. From what I am sure, because I have seen and lived, is now drink and smoke in the street, resulting in additional risk to smokers, especially in winter, of course (for possible frostbite)

Now the bars are empty and the streets overflow

The following image, the artist, with great insight and remarkable sense of humor, has predicted the future of our historical "watertight" (stores selling snuff in Spain) The evolution is unstoppable, it seems.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Trance Song On Commercials

Vitoria-Gasteiz, my Eastern Wisdom

I think it is time that my people may know a little bit. Do not believe everything you see, but 70% at least, heh!, Je! I've never been given to praise cities or towns, but lying if I said that I have some appreciation of this hamlet. Note that it, if you will give around here, even in summer, do not forget to put a jersey in the suitcase, just in case, another name given to Vitoria, humorously, is Siberia-Gasteiz. No big deal-especially for those who live in it-but it is a very telling anecdote: Fernando de Amar ica, illustrious painter Vitoria during their stay in Madrid was chatting with an acquaintance, who asked
- Don Fernando, how was the summer in Vitoria this year ...?
- Ah, very good ... Fell on Wednesday.
There is also a riddle, well known in these parts:
- How do you tell one of Vitoria on a nudist beach ...?
- For wearing a jersey over his shoulder.
That's it.

Fernando Painting of Amárica

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Do Pidgeons Like To Sleep On



A Zapatero
China was to achieve the thrust necessary
us out first, at least I figured-
cabinet where we put the crisis
lasting more than three years and put
, after this ungrateful
the country without cheating
first division of Fortune,
as a member of the G8
but luck is very prickly
and hesitantly advancing
falls to bocho.
According to this ruling,
nine billion euros
was the great amount
with the Chinese, simpletons,
remedy our ills
to promote the raising
of the boxes, so it
giants would
Banking and pitot
without further casualties. Dura
little joy of the poor at home
-is a fact,
so the next day
China qualified this by right
- We will fill of pasta when
we are quite sure,
we can inflate
euros pulling wagons
Server (you)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Air Compressor Cervik



land in English, which
Machado sang steps
what happened when the sun warmed
more in a day from Sunday,
well into the morning. Here
narrate the facts as I count them
a good friend to Burgos,
noble and strong word.
To give a certain name
the waiter in our history, Methinks
Sigismund de Calderon
appropriate nickname to use now;
but not be true,
fits our purposes.
not forget your worships
that story to be true, it is much
hide who the protagonist,
to keep secure the integrity of the artist. But let's
fact that Burgos
tell me, for I have
surprise and jubilation to fill. He approached
good Sigismund
their parents to
home with something to eat
idea in the well-stocked table,
usual Sunday thing
North and South.
quickly reaches well stay where his mother
, which some call "kitchen" and here
delighting your nose with aromas that come
of pots and
pans in the fire bubbling.
She breaks the spell
and asks, very nervous,
to run to buy bread
to another nearby village,
staff feels around the table,
because she could not do
for being busy.
- Do not worry, mother, mother
dear soul,
because before fifteen minutes have I
in the kitchen with two loaves under his arm,
or what you tell me . Salta
Sigismund on board your machine
a colt six-cylinder, six-cylinder
going from zero to one hundred
before turning the corner, and between one
dust cloud
take the road leaving behind the people
and the smell of gasoline,
and fifteen minutes before the waiter
is back and smiling
satisfied with the purchase freshly made and all
guests celebrate his greatness.
A week later a letter arrives
fucking name of Sigismund
by DGT Espedido: Three hundred
euro fine has cost the trip, and another three hundred
eurejos has
the cost of coming
because the Civil Guard was well aware
covering their radar
unguarded route,
and 50 limit applies
night and day. Consider
-in your hands the letter-
loaves were so expensive.
Server (you)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Melina Velba In Public

Romancejo Sigismund of "sushi" 110 kilometers per hour


Ay! , appetizers sushi
Japanese land ...
if little excites me
when you were at my table
freshly made, fresh, soft, table worthy
least now you please me
Basque and English as
prefer good pot of potatoes with chorizo,
a stew of lentils, roasted chops
or some beans with clams.
not despise not the ham with artichokes,
the lamb legs,
a steak and fries,
or a stuffed eggs,
though my mind is open to any experiment
God knows I tried, once
enjoy a tray that "sushi" freshly
overflowing the sides.
Everything was an attempt,
because, even though I tried,
the Japanese delicacy rather choked me, but was cooked
by people of my confidence.
So now, apparently seen,
with the Japanese nation
put on alert and well radiactivizada
to eat all the sushi
Akihito and his company.
Server (you)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Transcend Service Center.chennai

Another attitude era

"It´s not your aptitud,
but your attitude,
that determines
your altitude"

Traducción: No es tu aptitud, sino tu actitud, lo que determina tu altitud

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Do You Have A Period Without The Blood

As you know, the speed limit on motorways here in Spain, has gone from 120 to 110 km / h. The relevant authorities were quick to switch the signals, as was required.

This is the sign in all the highways.

However, after traveling by car a few tens of kilometers, I noticed a mistake being in these signs. The authorities have forgotten a small detail that should be taken into account to increase road safety. As I see it, the right signal would be:

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Long Should I Charge A 12v Battery

11,500 tons of radioactive water are dumped into the ocean

recently said that it would not raise the issue of Fukushima unless necessary, and today I have no choice but to go back for my charters.
Until now, the Japanese fishing fleet, one of the largest in the world, is dedicated to whale hunt down and liquidate all the oceans, with the approval of its authorities, turn a blind eye to the other governments, and always "scientific reasons", the principal of which was to fill the plates of the many customers who demand this type of meat. Starting today, the Japanese fishing fleet and other fleets in the world will have to catch sardines.
Y TEPCO is that the company, operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, will pour into the Pacific Ocean 11,500 tons (approx. 575 tankers) of radioactive water, of a radioactive water "only" 100 times more than legal safety limits. You can then use those tanks to store more radioactive waste water yet.
We're talking about 11.5 million liters, which will contaminate the entire flora and fauna to geographical boundaries impossible to determine a priori, not forget that fish is the second food product in Japan.
Let's remember that all this would have happened if Fukushima had been, for example, a photovoltaic plant.
But what right is TEPCO polluting our planet, that is all, gentlemen, "not be left to God or the devil?, Who has been authorized to dumping at sea of \u200b\u200bthese 11,500 tons of poison?;" what will happen to the most contaminated water will fill the tanks that are empty?
Nuclear power is clean, cheap and safe.
TEPCO and managers deserve to be tried for crimes against humanity.

NOTE .- I just read an article which shows that the nuclear power Garoña (Burgos) is cheating. Well, the control panel, its principles and the relevant authorities relating to the matter, that is all. Its cooling circuits pour hot water into the Ebro, which makes the river passes from 5.3 º to 21 º to receive this flow. In theory, Garona is authorized to temperature variation does not exceed 3 º. The corresponding eutrophication is already causing problems in the river species.
Nuclear power is not cheap, neither clean nor safe.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pokemon Chart With Shiny

Invasion Earth: Battle Los Angeles (Battle: Los Angeles)

I've seen, and not do it again.
Just as "Independence Day" or "Men In Black" have their point, it presents a similar plot to "Skyline" or "District 9" and is especially useful for compulsive eaters popcorn lovers shots , explosions and special effects, but were never trained in the art of tasting a good movie.
warmly congratulate the filmmakers, as they have already managed to recover $ 70 million they spent on filming.
Milagros del marketing.
If we were advertising rather than true information and, above all, fair and accurate criticism, film would dawn.
And even be possible to re-film display, with pride, now undeserved title of "seventh art", and recover loses viewers every year, thanks to the continuous projection of nonsense like this, wrapped always in the attractive "wrapping paper" that gives publicity.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Free Farm Lessons Comics Online

Art Gallery of the economic crisis Engine water

I offer now, pezqueñines a a pictorial exhibition has come to my hands through the usual channels and that general consider worthy of praise. It develops the theme of the economic crisis in depth, rigor, courage, common sense and a dose of humor. Do not forget to teach your children, because culture is a personal treasure that must be gradually increased.
agradezcáis I do not, it's the least I can do for you all.

My congratulations to the author (s) of these exceptional works of art.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spyder Sasquatch Ski Jacket

Many years ago I have very clear that deceive us as real idiots we are, and one of the greatest deceptions is referred to the energy problems arising from the use of fossil fuels, with added pollution. Have you noticed that oil may rise or fall in price, but gasoline and diesel will never go down? Who will sell us -or, at least, try- fuels of the future?: Same as now fill our tanks for the price of gold.
I will not elaborate any further. Of course, I leave three videos very interesting. If disponéis 15 minutes, do not fail to see them, it is worth.
Blessed be the Internet, because the truth makes it increasingly difficult to hide.
Any day we close it, you'll see ...

Compression Problem On 1998 Gp760

5 million dollars in one day

The actor Leonardo Di Caprio will 5 million dollars to shoot an ad for a telephone company of China. The shoot will involve a day's work.
Does anyone have doubts about why the world is as it is ...?
No comment, only some illustrative images.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Adderall Natural Alternatives Zinc

Fukushima, mon amour, or time erases everything. Spring's

We not only have a faint memory, but that continually bombard us with a wealth of information that only serves to distract. Perhaps, indeed, that is their goal.
The consequences of the incident at the Fukushima nuclear power are unpredictable, and more for us, we lack reliable data. We suspect that the thing has been-and will-fat, but eager hope any comments that will reassure us once and for all.
But soon-to-time all will be forgotten.
Who remembers the failure of central Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania? Who remembers, even, the month that saw the crisis of Chernobyl? Who is able to retain in its memory the incidents have occurred in English nuclear power plants ...?
From our lapses benefits the "lobby" nuclear, which just wait over time to continue making mischief. Weather always plays in your favor, because our memory is weak, but not his greed.
iodine-131 particles, from Fukushima, have reached the east coast of China, four of six reactors this radioactive material have been dumped central air and sea, the evacuees can not return "soon" to their homes, the level of radioactive iodine in the sea near the plant, is 3,335 times the legal safety limit, there is plutonium on the floor of the facility, and a radioactive cloud reached California on Friday, day 18, and then spread to Utah, Nevada and Arizona, but the media and not publish the news first, or second, or thirdly, there is now more important issues to deal ...
And in a few weeks no one will remember Fukushima.
That's what they're waiting. As always. Talking
fabrics cover the reactors, to completely dismantle the facilities ...
One thing is certain: the damage is done, and if Fukushima had been a power plant, none of that would have happened.
Although dismantled piece by piece Fukushima nuclear power plant, which can take years, the area is already cursed, and nuclear debris, which are made are made, will remain active over 20,000 years.
I will not write more on this subject (unless absolutely necessary), but I'm not going to forget.
not forget you.
Nuclear power is not cheap, neither clean nor safe.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tip Of Big Toe Hurts When Pressed

alters blood

There is no doubt that spring alters blood. If you do not agree, look at this issue of mallard , also called Mallard, photographed by my daughter in the Salburúa Park, near Vitoria, last weekend. I know that photography is almost pornographic, and that violates the privacy of the affected, but the fault is yours to show their attributes in public, knowing that there were children nearby, and especially photographers.